Bariatric Surgeon Dr. Obos Ekhaese and his team at The Center for Obesity and Bariatric Surgery have changed my life in many ways. I will forever be grateful to them. My mother and cousin had the gastric bypass 3 years prior, and at that time, I was very afraid of it. I lacked knowledge of the surgery itself and was scarred for them. My mom asked me if I would think about or consider it, and I thought, “No way, I can do this on my own.” Well, I struggled on my own with numerous diets and exercise. I watched my mother not only become a “skinny minny,” but she became healthy, no longer taking blood pressure medications and no longer having diabetes issues.

She and my cousin did excellently, and I became curious. On the way home from eating out at a restaurant, feeling stuffed, miserable, and FAT. I looked at my husband and said: “I am going to have the gastric bypass surgery.” He, in turn, looked at me, wondering where that statement came from, then asked what do you have to do? I knew I had to attend a seminar and 6 months of clinical appointments. I was tired of the struggle and not liking myself for whom and what I had become. I made up my mind in a split second and never looked back. I attended the seminar, which was so informative that I knew I had made the best decision. At that time, all my fears disappeared and were replaced with excitement. The six months I went through the program flew by. April 26, 2010, was THE DAY that changed my life! My motto became “Gettin Thin in 2010,” which I did. After about 20lbs of weight loss, I no longer struggled with sleep apnea or hypertension. With continued weight loss, I could walk or climb a flight of stairs without almost passing out from being out of breath.

I could play outside with my nephew and nieces instead of sitting in a chair and watching. I stopped hurting in my knees and hips as well. The confidence I began to have in myself was unbelievable! I am now 1-year post-op, 80 lbs. HEALTHY, loving life, and living it to the fullest. This journey has been beautiful and one of the best rides I have ever been on. I made the BEST choice for ME. As I look at my future, attending the monthly support group meetings at UTMB, and using my “gastric bypass tool,” LIFE, seems extremely positive. Know my LIFE will be blessed and healthy always.