Hello Friends!

Over the last couple of blogs, we've discussed weight loss tools that focused on diets and trends. This month, let us address Weight loss surgery.

Weight loss surgery, or bariatric surgery, is a significant decision. It's a tool to help individuals achieve long-term weight loss, improve their overall health, and enhance their quality of life. But when is the right time to consider this option? Let's delve into this topic in the simplest terms possible.


To guide this decision, we will primarily focus on three criteria: BMI (Body Mass Index), co-existing health conditions, and previous weight loss attempts.


Body Mass Index (BMI):

BMI is a useful indicator to measure whether you are a suitable candidate for bariatric surgery. The calculation involves your weight and height.

  • If your BMI is 40 or higher (which classifies as severe obesity), you might be a candidate for weight loss surgery.
  • If your BMI is between 35 and 39.9 (which classifies as obesity), and you also have a weight-related health problem like type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure, or severe sleep apnea, you may also be a candidate.


Co-existing Health Conditions:

Weight loss surgery isn't just about losing weight. It's also about improving overall health and managing obesity-related conditions. If you're suffering from weight-related health problems like those mentioned above and your condition isn't improving with conventional treatments, weight loss surgery might be an option to consider.


Previous Weight Loss Attempts:

Bariatric surgery isn't a first-line treatment. It's typically considered when other weight loss attempts such as diet modifications, exercise, and behavior changes haven't been successful over a sustained period.


Assessing your Readiness:

Bariatric surgery requires a commitment to lifestyle changes after the procedure. It's vital that you are ready to make these changes. The surgery can help you lose weight, but maintaining that loss requires continued efforts in diet, exercise, and sometimes medications.


In conclusion:

If you meet the above criteria and are ready to commit to the necessary lifestyle changes, bariatric surgery might be an option to consider. But remember, it's a personal decision that should be made in consultation with your healthcare provider. They can provide a comprehensive evaluation and guide you through the potential risks and benefits.


Weight loss surgery can be a life-changing decision. If you decide it's the right path for you, know that we are here to support you on this journey. Stay tuned for future posts where we explore more about the process, the types of surgeries, and the post-operative journey.


To health and happiness,

Dr. Obos Ekhaese